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How can I A?

I am not sure the objective that is driving the A/B testing, first you would need to zero down what is the objective Trying to list down some of it: Build Network i.e seeking more connections You already have connections, you would like to build business relations with those connections Build personal Brand Find a Job Once you have zeroed down on the objectives, you will have to decide the metrics for each one of those Metrics Build Network i.e seeking more connections - a. No of connection request you have received b. Invite sent and accepted ratio c. No of views You already have connections, you would like to build business relations with those connections - a. How many inquiries sent vs responses vs meetings Build personal Brand - a. How many Views, likes, forwards, repost for your comments and Posts Find a Job - a. Job recommendations b. Inmail by recruiters c. connection request by recruiters Each of the above objectives would need to be backed-up by appropriately designing the Profile structure and content Hope that helps

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