Have you noticed the cities where all the police brutality happens?
Your argument has merit. However I would add that there are thousands of state laws and around ten thousand federal statutes that impose a penalty. Harvard University study showed the average individual commits three felonies a day. The number of misdemeanors would be numerous. There are a lot of people who believe law enforcement should have the power to use excessive force. Consider the fact that of the thousands of excessive force claims each year we only hear about a handful of them and many people think its talked about to much. Any challenge to the police state will cause those who defend excessive force and Govermental control to challenge the very validity of the claim. They challenge such claims as being spurious because many believe that all uses of force are exceptable therefore no use of force is excessive. Typically I believe this rule only applies to Government action that pertains to other classes of individuals. Any encounter that they have with officers of Government that they deem unjust or wanton is the exception to the rule and all others are Illegitimate claims.