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Did Lyndon B Johnson really say: "If you can convince the lowest?

Yes he did. Johnson was right. The quote was made in reference to a bunch of racists protesting civil rights. Johnson was saying those of low moral character can be stirred up to abandon cherished beliefs if you stoke resentment of the other by pointing out that inferiors are getting extra goodies that the lowest white man deserves. We have seen Trump and his Trumpsters use the same tactic. Trump got them all fired up about Mooslums and Messicans coming in to take over, to pillage, hook children on heroin, get on welfare and rape the white women. The lowest white men got so riled up that they were willing to abandon one cherished core value after the other such as: free trade, less intrusive federal government, moral probity in leaders, getting the federal government out of the local school system, having the U.S. proudly lead international alliances such as NATO to stop Russian hegemony and deal with other issues around the globe fiscal responsibility & getting their balanced budget amendment out of committee and getting it passed letting capitalist markets, rather than Soviet-style central planning, pick winners and losers in the marketplace It should also be noted that we do not see quotes like the one in the question being put forth by those otherwise interested in civil rights who, for example, opposed the damage done by Republicans to the Voting Rights Act, Republican efforts to suppress the black vote or Trumps slimy insults of civil rights hero John Lewis

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