Is there a psychological reason for noticing patterns?
Timmy B. and anyone who reads this post. When I read these posts in Quora I shake my head. Yes, God brings our attention to things around us. Sometimes Hes trying to get our attention and sometimes its so we can just enjoy the beauty of HIs creation. Ive seen a lot of questions as an expression of time (lIke your 11:11). One IS the oneness of God. Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit ARE one! Two looks toward unity (hopefully with God). God (the Father), the one who created all things, who is the I AM that I AM, from everlasting to everlasting is trying to get the attention of the church and the world. When Father does things in threes, its no longer a question of if but when and the time is closing in. These next seven years is to bring His church (anyone who has received Jesus into their heart) and even the world back into unity with Him. Not just in word, but in doing, actually striving to live for Him in this world. The world will be impacted and Father is reaching out to any who will listen, hear and answer His call. Thus far, all that He has been doing is an attention getter but make no mistake, eventually, His wrath will come upon a disobedient world AND His judgment upon a wayward church. Dont numbers dictate your life. They only indicate the direction things are heading. Getting our life back in right standing with God (the Father) will preclude anything else going on out there. Get the picture?