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Is it easier for you to notice similarities in expressions and?

Definitely mannerisms. In my imediate family, some of us look very similar and some of us look nothing alike. That might make some people wonder about their parentage but not us. My sister and I had a game when we were younger. We have lots of large group shots of lots of her friends and my friends together and she and I somewhere in the picture. When she went off to university where no one knew her, she offered up $5 to the first person who could guess who her sister was in that photo. No one guessed correctly all year. But when we are in a room together we have been asked more times than we can count whether we are twins. I am 6 years older than her and we look nothing alike but people think we're twins based solely on voice and mannerisms. This is my sister and I on her wedding day this summer looking more alike than we ever have to be honest. We almost look like sisters Or strangers And yes, she is naturally that dark and I am natually almost that fair with help from a few highlights ;) So I think because of this, my own eye is trained to notice mannerisms more than physical simmilarities. For example, we have cousins who are identical twins and we find it quite easy to tell them apart because of certain little things each of them do. Little things like placing her tongue behind her teeth when she's thinking, and one sister has a louder laugh, things like that. We don't rely on the physical to tell them apart because a haircut or an outfit can always change. I also notice mannerisms more because those are the things that really make a person who they are. And those are the traits that endear you to them. And, like it or not, those get passed down through generations as well and you can see fathers and grandfathers in their sons and grandsons and I love noticing those things. My dad died when my youngest brother was 3 years old. He didn't have time to watch him grow and teach him things and model his traits for him. Marcus is now 23 years old and is the spitting image of my father which would be strange enough if he didn't also have every single physical characteristic the man ever possessed. If I'm not particularly paying attention or I look up at the wrong time I could swear my dad has come back from the dead for just a tiny moment and I get goosebumps all over my entire body and a tear in my eye. After 20years of him being gone it's like he pops back in every once in a while to say hi in the form of my baby brother and I absolutely adore it. This also happens with my brother, Johnny who was 12 when dad died, and it melts my heart and makes me love him so much. It just doesn't happen as often. More like seeing a shooting star than watching the milky way right above your head. In a way it makes it even more special when it happens with Johnny So I definitely notice mannerisms and I adore them. They are a piece of history that has somehow made it into a real live person and right before your eyes you can see how a family Is a family. You can see how they match and fit together like puzzle pieces and it is a beautiful puzzle.

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