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I'm currently recieving treatment for an anxiety disorder, and I have?

General anxiety is not mutually exclusive from other comorbidities like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is a form of anxiety disorder. Unless you didnt divulge in these patterns with your clinician, he or she should have been aware of this on your first visit. Assuming your treatment has been Cognitive Behavior Therapy and medication, you will be working on these routines. Psychiatric medications usually assuage symptoms but do not fix the actually problem. The idea is to get a more even keel so you have the mental bandwidth to work on deep-seated issues. Medication can be useless without therapy if you do not put in the work to re-wire yourself which takes lots of time. To answer the question, it is not abnormal at all. Disclose anything and everything associated with your anxiety so your clinician has a full picture, diagnose and create an effective plan of treatment.

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