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Can you tell me the sources on your answer about Dr.?

In Doomsday Clock, in Doctor Manhattans process of messing with the DC universe, he distorted a lot. However, when it came to Superman he couldnt adjust much in terms of Supermans purpose in this universe. He even, at one point, could only see blackness in his altercation with the Man of Steel. He could not define the events of what happened, even further in the future. He definitely did not see Superman helping him when Doctor Manhattan was under attack in their actual altercation. Even as far as the times he did interfere with Superman, in time, he's made himself noticed by Superman, and it becomes clear. Superman knew he was there at the same time as him. It becomes a matter of Superman piecing together what is going on and his intentions. Doctor Manhattans seeing blackness, in the Doomsday Clock series, to me displayed concern about what might happen in an altercation between himself and Superman. He is part of the situation unlike what happened with the Squid or using Doctor Manhattans own power as nuclear devices, in the movies. Its actually in the Doomsday Clock series. I took it as fear. I think the concern with a character like Doctor Manhattan is his being an all-seeing and all-knowing character with this limitless ability to alter everything on a whim. Its sort of the same issue I have with Superman. The HBO Watchman series, if canon, actually makes sense for this kind of character. In the Watchman series, he said he was scared if canon. Because, spoilers, he knows he is going to die in some form or another in the series for various reasons. So much of why he was in the position in the series was because of how he handled things up to that point. At that point, he tried to make amends with his dilemma in the series. In a comic universe, of Gods human and non-human at times, you pick out one and that is to be the all and only above so many others? Thats hard. In my opinion, most of the higher power characters are on the level. Hopefully, there is a balance between all characters. In the end, he has to level off and he is reasonable as a character. Does he feel fear? If this did not do it, another character, or event, can draw that out. Superman is more powerful. I still believe this because of the nature of Supermans undefinability. How many times has he died in comics? I think Superman, understands the need for others' help in order to come to certain solutions, Justice League, Superfamily, and others. Doctor Manhattan operates as an individual entity. He has powers that are God-like, but has limits and needs help just like any other character to define his purpose. Not every situation is the same, nor is the reaction to what and how he handles himself in this case. The fact is just like you cannot define Doctor Manhattans reaction to blackness and an incoming altercation between himself and Superman, you cannot define how long, and to what extent Superman knew of Doctor Manhattans existence and knew the best approach to the character. Why didnt they fight at the end of the Doomsday Clock series? Hopefully, each character serves some real purpose and knows they need to learn to become that better hero.

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